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Friday, November 29, 2013

Oh hello there Gonal-f :) CD2

Today is my cd2 and unfortunately I also already started with my gonal f this morning so peng's job is to inject me everyday for 12 days so I wouldnt have to inject myself and I could save myself from seeing the needle and injecting it to my lower abdomen.

I thought it was going to hurt - but I just felt a fast prick and nothing more and now I'm glad.  however, our doctor told me that in the second week after Gonal f He would give me a new med to inject for another 6 days and that would hurt more :(

The pain and suffering I go through this whole ivf process is overwhelming but I'm game! I'm ready, I'm fighting - Though I have to admit that I'm secretly scared of negative outcome :( I have to prepare myself for bad news and somewhat I can sense that despite my preparations not to get hurt if it wont take I still wouldnt ever be prepared for that kind of hurt :(

But i dont want to talk about the bad things - not yet. of course I want to be optimistic. I hope I could produce a lot of eggs and they would all fertilize and could reach to be beautiful blastocysts... :)

On dec 5 I would have a follicular scan and would update here soon!

so heres to my crossed fingers that are hoping and wishing !


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